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Tuesday April 1st 2014 | 8:02 PM

Avon, CO

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In Order of Introduction within Book aka #Pitchography

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2006 Scion XB. Release Series 3.0

249 of 2200

(Blindside, First Sticker on #GreenEnvy)



I hope time will change your heart

I'll be coming against your words

With something inside of me

Time will change your heart

I will be waiting at the doorstep of love

The doors wide open for you to see


These lyrics are perfect once again. This song right this second in regards to #LiquideAir #LiquideSessiøns. I knew when I had thought of this idea in 2008 that it would now consume the rest of my life until it happens. I also, knew that even though it was such a kick ass concept that it was not its time. Things had not fallen into place. Life well, my health had hindered my ability to focus and accomplish this.

I believe and know that it is its time now, and I will be coming with everything inside of me to change peoples hearts and go against the #norm. I will be waiting with my love for this business, and life with open doors for the whole world to see.

Now … Blindside. One of the very few bands that I remember very distinctively everything when I heard one of their debut songs #Pitiful on the radio. #SwitchingToPitiful. Haha oh man, okay. I was cruising down #InterstateSeventy in #BlueSprings #Missouri coming back from my friend #Joshs house on the other side of the city. I get off on #ExitEighteen going #WestBound at the intersection of #NWWoodsChapel. As I am waiting at the stop light to turn left and head home. This new song that I had never heard came on. I remember hearing #ChristiansVoice, with the accompaniment of his amazing band and being like #OMGPleaseTellMeTheNameOfThisBand #IgotsToKNOW < #SaidLikeHIMYM, as I turned Left the chorus came on and I was speechless. Probably because you never really heard any screaming or harder music on #NinetySixPointFive.

Well, they did not say the name of the band but, sometimes back then you had to just pick out which word or words the band consistently had sang and guess on the #name of the song. Yes, #YoungerMillennials it was a lot harder to figure out band names and song names. I then drove home quick went home and luckily we had a #GatewayComputer rockin #FiftySixK, and lone and behold my mother was on the phone, so I had to wait, or did I? Yes, #YoungerMillennials you could not surf the web back then without tying up the phone line, meaning, if someone was on your home telephone line you were not able to use the internet. So, I went up to my mom and looked her directly in the eyes and hung up the phone! Why, because thats how I rolled bitch! Lol. No, I just got back into my car and drove to my friend Brenton's house, which was pretty close to mine.

I then told him I heard this awesome song but I did not know who the band was but I think the name of the song was called #Pitiful or #ComebackInTime. We then searched the internet at “lightning speeds” lol. So we turned on the radio to see if the song ever came on again. It did not that day. I was sad and could not get that awesome tune out of my head!

A couple days had passed and I asked if Brenton if he had heard anything … nope. Something #magical happened. I was on the adjacent side of the interstate that I previously was, I was going to the #IndependenceMall and it came on! I turned that shit to eleven and rocked out and was once again praying they would say the name of the band or the song, something! Well they did and I pulled over and wrote it down so I would not forget. #ThatWasANewSongByBlindsideCalledPitifulOnXNinetySix

I then went into my job at #CingularWireless in the mall and showed my co worker. Needless to say, he was also impressed. It was just the way #themusic came together, it was #magical lol.

Sadly, I don't believe that #Blindside came around for a tour near me on the #SilenceAlbum. I know they had some trouble with their tour bus and getting all their shit jacked from their van in Dallas, TX.

The closest I saw them perform up until then, was #Pitiful in the movie #Grind, #GonnaWatchThatTonight.



P.O.D. LacunaCoil Blindside


#UptownTheater #KansasCityMissouri


Their new album #AboutABurningFire had just come out on #FebruaryTwentyFourthTwentyOhFour

#LightsDim #Upfront #GA #HrtIsRacing #MentallyWarmingUpMyLungs. I turn to my buddy Brenton and I'm Like #EyeOfTheStorm, #ItsHappening … If we get separated I will meet you over … umm that pillar there.


#ImGone, thats it. I am fucking screaming my lungs out and making sure I don't die at the same time in #ThePit. Its an interesting feeling, I suggest everyone tries it, its #InvigoratingTimesAThousandBecauseItsOneOfYourFavoriteBands.

I believe they played every single song that I wanted to hear! I remember thinking that they played for an #extended amount of time for an #OpeningAct back then, it was #IncredibleOnManyLevels. One thing that happens especially when I go to #HardcoreShows, well... actually #AnySongThatILoveByABand, #IRockOutHard. So, much that people within the vicinity of me back away so they don't get hit and yeah they talk shit some times, its cool, #IDGAF, bc that how I react to #Music.

Being a #PersonOfColorThatOnlyAFewGetTheRaceRight #I'mIndian … well, you did not see a lot of us at these shows or even overall #genres of music #BITD #BackInTheDay… lol #ItsIncreasingNow. I was #Happy #Shocked #Impressed that during the song #Swallow this #BrownBrotha was #RockingThatShit and guess what #Everyone had backed away from him, and watched. So... what did I do? I jumped in that lil circle and rocked the hell outta that floor, #singingscreaming with him. He was doing this type of #BackBend #HandSeeSawThing during the #chorus so I #imitated him and then when #BrownBrothas rock out everyone wants to join in. We had probably a good #fifteentotwenty #fellowrockers #memoryburnfosho.

The concert was amazing, and it was probably a little more #Memorable besides seeing #Blindside #RockingOutWithABrownBrotha because it involved a #Girl. Needless to say she was #HAWT, and sorta looked like my #Ex, but more importantly, how #Dopplegangerish this girl was to her ... #IsThisRealLife. Let elaborate a couple hilarious #Mannerisms this girl had.

First off, she totally made me think ...


So, I saw her out of the distance and I thought it was my #ex but her hair was different, which was not surprising because some girls do that after break ups #JustAdmitIt. After #DoubleTriple#QuadTakes, I needed clarification. After breakups for me, and I believe others, you keep seeing your #ExEverywhereYouFuckingGo and for me especially since you had spent the last two years together and then #Boom! #CutOff #Over #LiterallyRomeoAndJuliet #ItEndedBadAndWeBothDidntWantIt #PeopleWereJealousOfUs and Thats a huge different story.

Anyways, I turn to Brenton. “dude does that look like? And he was like holy shit man, but … you know cuter. I was like yeah, I'm going to go talk to her. Which, was not feasible at all because how #fuckingpacked it was on the floor. We were #StageLeft and she was #StageMidRight

Well lone and behold she had made her way right in front of us #WasItDestiny #WasItSeeingMyExEverywhereSyndrome? and damn she had a #PrettyTightBody, so I moved on in and we started talking. The concert was going on and remind you its packed and so as she's #jumpingupanddown I'm holding her #SheKeptLookingBack I wanted to #Kiss her soo bad but yah Im a #Pussy when it comes to that by everyones standards even my own lol.

I like to think of it that #ImOldFashioned. Kisses mean a lot to me for some fucking reason, I have no fucking idea why don't ask. Okay, #YeahYeah its a problem with me haha, but hey, I've done 3rd base shit #B4 #BackThenGirlsWouldKissMeFirst #ThatsOneOfTheManyReasonsWhyImAwesome haha.



If I had to really think about why #Kisses would be #BeyondStupidInMyHead, its Due to the fact that the girls #IDidNotKissAtAllB4FoolingAround they just... did not stick. There are a limited number of #GirlsIHaveKissedFirst that somewhat have stuck as a #Girlfriend #TwoYearsTops. These days, I am even #MorePicky #TooManySlutsAndWhoresOutThere #YouDoucheBagsCanHaveEm

So, She ends up losing her #IndestructibleNokia #BrickPhone #RedNokia5190. I tell her that I will be back because I gotta meet my friends and tell them. I go back panting and tell Brenton I'm helping her find her phone, I'll be right back. I get half way there and she is like I found it! I then ask her for her number and she is shy about it probably because my friends are there watching. I get it, #HugeGrin #HalfChub #SheSmiles and I Kissed her on her cheek and she runs off. But not just any run off, she tripped over her feet a little bit, probably because she was weak in the knees from my kiss lol. It was one of the things that reminded me of my #Ex. Well that's the story. No, thats an elaborate #Introduction #PrefaceIfYouWill.

I end up calling her first because, #texting really had not hit as #popular and #fuckingoutofcontrol as it is today. She did not answer and so I'm just like #ehalrightwhatever.” I then went and attended I think it was a local concert at #LakeTapawingoClubHouse. I park, get out and am heading in and as I was about to the door . I see her and she #FreakedTheFuckOut. Like as she was looking at her phone, she looked up and saw me and her eyes all wide and made like a #MouseNoise or some shit and then #Vanished haha. #GirlsCanBeFuckingWeirdSometimes.

From then on, I had not heard from her, it was just so funny how the two times we had met she did these little #KlutzThings. Its more #Cute #IMO #TotallyDopplegangerToMyEx





#ClubSound was #InTheVenue #SaltLakeCityUtah


#MonsterOnTheRadio is such a true song for this day and age. Myself, am one of those people that scream and shout to some thing I don't understand i.e. IMO he is talking about, #EDM #Dubstep #RobotsHavingSex #AlienCommunication #WhateverTheYourCupOfTeaIs. I Call it #EDM now, but still use more frequently #Dubstep. I Enjoy it #ALOT, especially when you're #Lit on #BoseSlashBeatsByDreHeadphones it depends on the artist for me. #IUseBoth. And Obviously when its #LIVE and You Can #FeelThatFuckinBassAgainstYourChest.

However, I nothing beats seeing all the instruments and variations of rock and roll, with each and every band mate contributing with passion. Blindside does this phenomenally, as well as #MosDef every band in this section.

#PassionIsWhereItsAt! #ICanTell

Anyways, for this particular concert, I was #SuperFuckingPumped! #ButALittleScared Scared you say? Why? Well, during this time I was on hemo dialysis, and I was since

Well, for all concerts I listen to that band non stop from when I hear the announcement of the #showslashconcert up to 3 weeks before the show. Then once on show day. But, since #iLoveBlindside, a lot and because they reminded me of #FuckingBegginingDaysOfMyFavoriteGeneres

I would make up my own screaming to #BlindsideSongs

I knew one girl named Michelle. Who was also in love with #Blindside. We smoked a cigarette right next to my car which had #BlindsidesLogoAsTheCenterBcItsBadAss #WhichWasAtMyBuddiesHouse MessyJesse

When someone talks about one of my #FavoriteArtists I can talk for #CrazyAmountOfTimeAsILinkTheirSharedExperienceToThatArtist. With her knowing, we began talking and I was wishing they would come out with a new album, but I had not heard anything and then boom! Out of the blue and out of #AllFuckingPlacesTheirComingToSLC

I was ecstatic

I mean come on#WhatsBetterThanPromIfYourInHighschoolDAYS? #BlindFuckingSideThatsWho!

Anyways, I have these conversations from #facebook on my profile as #public, #MostAre.

Well, I started listening to music and had some songs that I re-did #DevyStyleAsIUsedToSay, now its #Devin-izedIGuess …

Haha, its funny that I did not even care that I was on dialysis, all I knew was that I was seeing #Blindside in 2 months, even though it was an iffy #CatchTwentyTwo plan, because of my #Hemodialysis.

AndNowTheGroundIsShaking OurLoveSavesUs... #Now. They were really one of my #loves. Their sound, lyrics, and demeanor were #AmazingInMyEyes. Well lone and behold #Sleepwalking. #OneOfTheMostExplosionIntrosToASong #ThatsWhatILoveAboutThem #TheyHaveAFew

The Part that became as I previously said was #Scary. Well I had just pretty much almost died. Also, remember that part where I said that #IwasScared, and how I was on #HemoDialysis. Well fucking #Sleepwalking. Probably in my #TopMostFavoriteSongs InLifeAsIKnowIt. Well, #Blindside came out with their #FuckingExplodingGuitars!

I was jumping up and down and then boom at #NowWhatsThatYourReTryingToPull, I became to become #dizzy, and I thought, Fuck Come On Not Now, It was only the #SecondSongIn! I was like shit, ok well just slow down and move to the back, on the #Outskirt of the fans. Which was only like 6 deep at that point. Well, that did not help really at all. I headed to go sit down on the left side of the bar of #ClubSoundSLC. I sit there and am like oh man, please don't pass out. Do some #MentalPysching, where, I basically do a #MindOverMatter thing. Nope, did not work either. So, I sat and then I seriously said a small prayer and was like Heavenly Father, I have been a crappy person lately, but please give me the strength to enjoy one of my most favorite bands. Honestly, it was not right away but on the #ThirdSong, I can't think of it right now... ahh, I'll ask Michelle.

Once, that song came on. I was back up and #RockingOut, not as #Agressively but for damn sure #Passionately. Anyways, I did not have hardly any money, as I just spent it to go out my friends Wedding that I did not even get to go to because, my kidney's decided to fail.

But, I did get to see and #MeetBlindside! It was #Speechless. I talked to all of them but #One and that was honestly #MichellesFault. Flirting with #TomasNäslund: #Bass, in the bar which she did not text me so I was looking for her for about 30 minutes at #TheMetroBar where she #Said she would be! #NoNoPhoneWasntWorking #YouAlwaysBeAtTheMeetingPlace! #Damn! Lol

I talked to #SimonGrenehed #Guitar first, we did not too long, he was putting shit away. I am usually a #QuickPraiseAutograph. (Means, you tell them how fucking bad ass their set, band are, and then #GiveGenuinePraise Ie. #YourShreddedTheFuckOuttaThatGuitar #SeeIfTheirResponseIsTalkative, so I told him thanks, and then went to find the others.

I then, talked to #ChristianLindskog #Vocals for a little bit, and that was #Awesome. You sorta forget how they talk in their native tongue, because you just hear them sing. #ItsObviouslyDifferent. It makes people and Christian, #that much more #BadAss #IWishIHadAnAccent

Told him how the last time I saw them was with #POD #LacunaCoil in #KansasCityMissouri. Chatted about that and then let him go, because other fans want to talk and get pics as well.

#ChristianLindskog #Vocals

I then went and talked to the #Drummer #MarcusDahlström.

We talked about that previous concert, and then asked him about his family, he told me also, his fellow band mates. He then told us they were going back to #StockholmSweden for a festival, fuck I forgot what it was called but maybe their friends just celebrated it. He said they did it on a boat in the ocean, and, “I was like shit it does not have to be a festival to do that!”. We shot the shit back and forth for awhile.

I then went to go look for umm #MissDoesntTellMeShit lol. Oh, I went into the #TheMetro trying to find Michelle, I think twice, I was not able to go back into the venue, once I had gone out. I thought she could have been in the bar there, after about 20 minutes of looking. Oh well, I ran into somebody I knew at the Metro we talked for a lil bit and lit a #CancerStick.

I then went back to the venue and she was outside talking to Marcus. I was like where the hell were you! Lol. It seriously was a sicc show

I Do admit, I am drawn to #Likes #Hearts #BirdShit whatever it may be it is just that, its #StupidPsychologicalBullshit that you should not worry about, but we do. Its now #Ingrained in quite a bit of us. #ItsSad #BitterSweet.

However, if you are going to do it.

#Hashtag: you are speaking in modern code, literally. Something new is happening every second. Right as you #HitThatFuckingAwesomeBird #NowEverySocialNetworkingSitesIcon, you're making history in #INTHEWORLD. Who cares if its not popular, its popular to you, take it as a privilege, make it your #OWN #FollowYourDreamsAndPassion #WorkForYou




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